All about JLPT study


All about JLPT study

July and December every year.

The JLPT Exam has 5 levels namely N5, N4, N3, N2, N1.
N5 being the fundamental and easiest level, going up to N1, most advanced and the toughest.

Why should I get JLPT Certification?

1. It is actually proof of your knowledge and skill set related to Japanese Language
2. JLPT is the required criteria to get a job in any Japanese MNC

Do I really need it?
As long as you want to associate yourself with Japanese Language, you need JLPT certification. Whether it is for a job or to change companies, or if you want to go for higher education in Japan or sometimes even for a Japan visa (in some cases), JLPT will prove to be helpful.
At least N5 of it!

Want to know more?

N4 and N5 measure your understanding of basic Japanese, mainly learned in class. While N1and N2 measure the level of understanding of Japanese used in a broad range of scenes in actual everyday life. N3 is a bridging level between N1/N2 and N4/N5.

How to study for JLPT?

Do you think Japanese Language can be mastered by focusing on words and grammar only??
Or do you have to study long hours and memorize all vocabulary and particles??
For Kanji, do you think learning the English meanings will get you through?

Or are you under the impression that Japanese is tough work and there is no solution to crack long paragraphs??
That there is no way out for choukai except listening to the tapes only??

Let me break this to you….most students make the mistake of learning Japanese like mathematics. They start reading and memorizing everything that is written in books without understanding the fact that a foreign language cannot be memorized as mathematical formulas.
Additionally, there are many exceptions to the particles/grammar/kanji, etc. Because of this, whenever students come across these exceptions, they get frustrated and think that Japanese is a tough language.

The key to mastering the Japanese language is to learn vocabulary in the form of sentences.

Hack: Instead of repeating the word and its meaning multiple times, if a student learns to use the same word in a sentence and repeat the sentence, again and again, the result will be nothing less than amusing.
After getting adapted to speed reading and repeatedly speaking, one can see the magic.

Important techniques to study and crack JLPT:

• Understanding the difference between different JLPT levels
The majority of students make the same mistake of believing that the way to study for Advance JLPT is the same as Basic. As a result, they waste their precious time without realizing that with each level, the method to study for it needs to evolve as well.
• Make the most of audios
The secret is to start learning the language in a practical way lies in all the audios. Rather than cramming the vocabulary and patterns, one should start using them in actually spoken scenarios to reach a very high level required in JLPT. All the secrets have been told in over 3,000 audios in plain and hitting Hindi.
• Passage (Dokkai) & Listening (Chōkai) are an important key
Students often take very long to understand that using dokkai and chōkai smartly can help them crack JLPT. There are multiple tips and tricks to catch a difficult word or a phrase in reading or listening and to finish a comprehension within a short duration. Check out these tips

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